What Are You Waiting For?
By waiting Christian Life CoachingMost of us are waiting. We are waiting for life to change or circumstances to change before we change. We are waiting for things to fall into place with our schedule, or finances before we take or make the time to do the things we really want to do. We are waiting for that big raise. We are waiting for retirement. We are waiting for our children to grow up. We are waiting for care-taking to diminish before we make time to take care for ourselves.
What I find is that life rarely slows down or stays on an even keel. One thing comes off the plate and before you know it, you are facing another challenge. I have come to realize that adopting a ‘life without challenges” mindset is not a good one or realistic one to have. It doesn’t serve me well. I believe a better perspective and healthier one is to come to terms with the fact that life is good but it is also hard.
In my own personal life, the last two years have been challenging on many fronts. Balancing my many hats, my work life, personal life and and now a move are at best challenging! So finding respite, moments or joy and self-care are not only critical they are necessary!
The same is true for you. If you are postponing your life until “one day” when things are perfect or you have nothing on your “plate” maybe you should think again. You may put your life on hold indefinitely!
If you are longing to take a trip, maybe you could consider taking the day off or a half-day trip or plan a mini-trip for a change of scenery. The point is how can you invite the things that give you joy, meaning or respite into your life even in a small way? It doesn’t have to be “all” or “nothing.” It really doesn’t. “Both” “and” work fairly well and can give you a needed break and a new perspective.
With everything in life, nothing happens without intentionality. You have to make time for self-care and the things that give you joy. Don’t put yourself last on your list. Do something good for yourself today. Don’t postponse joy. You owe it to yourself and your greater well-being!