The Goal Driven Life
By Christian Life CoachingBrian Tracy has shared that only 3% of adults have written goals and those 3% accomplish 5 to 10 times more than people who do not have written goals. The sad thing is that you can be educated, but directionless. Without goals, you end up accomplishing less than a person who may not be as educated, but who has more determination and perseverance.
Where do you want to go in life? It is an important question to consider. If you don’t know where you are going, then any road will do. It is a known fact that If you do not plan, you simply plan to fail! How many people are just going through the motions adrift with no sense of direction or purpose?
As a life coach, I am aware that not much will be accomplished without some written goals as a road map for our life. Where do you want to be one year from now, five years, 10 years from now? What is the long term vision? Get specific about it. Write it out and then work backwards. Where do I need to be a year from now to achieve some of my long term goals? Continue to work backwards. What are some of my goals that will need to happen on a monthly basis to help me to get to my yearly goals? What weekly goals do I need to make to reach my monthly goals? What daily goals do I need to reach my weekly goals?
When we get specific about our goals, we have clearer direction and clearer focus. As we check off our goals, we not only move forward, but we have the satisfaction of accomplishment. Accomplishment and achievement are huge motivations to keep us moving forward.
Many of us are only 21 days from a change in our life. If it only takes 21 days to form a habit, then why not go for one of your small goals in the next 21days? The important thing is to start, because any journey in life begins with the first step.