Pay Attention To The Signs

By , , Christian Life Coaching

“We want big directional signs from God. God just wants us to pay attention.” – Lysa Terkeurst

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a huge billboard or message flying overhead giving you the plan for your life? We think it would, but even if the blueprint was handed to us, would we even follow it?

I actually believe there are powerful clues or signs along the way that we are ignoring or even dismissing about our own lives. Friends and family try to tell us that we are good at certain things and we simply pay it no attention. Co-workers compliment us and we don’t see it. Or, we dismiss it thinking anyone could do it. Compliments, encouragement, words of advice, and wisdom fly right over our head.

More importantly, we don’t even pay attention to the most obvious signs such as places where we shine, stand out, or have had favor or success. Because it seems effortless or so easy to do, it couldn’t possibly be the right thing to do with our lives. Well, why not?

Have you ever thought about the fact that what you love doing and do well could be important clues? Are you paying attention to the signs in your life? Where do you experience favor? If it seems more like play than work, then maybe you need to pay attention to that sign.

If you have a passion for something or a desire to do a certain thing, maybe you need to pay attention to that sign. You probably have a passion or an interest for a reason. What lights you up? What gets you going? All of these are important signs to pay attention to in life.

Sometimes we make it harder than it needs to be. If you love doing something and happen to be good at doing it, then those are very important signs to pay attention to and always a good place to start. How could you use those passions and skills to benefit others?

Maybe you and I are actually getting messages and signs all along the way in our life. We are just not paying attention. One thing is for sure. If you find yourself dreading the start of each day or week, you may not be paying attention to the signs and messages in your own life.

Excerpt from the book, Living a Great Life.