Numbering Our Days
By Christian Life CoachingIn a survey done with people in their 90’s the question was asked about what regrets these seniors had. Most of the answers were surprisingly the same. They expressed regrets about not taking more risks in life or doing things that would live on after they were gone or just simply having more fun. Not long ago, I came across a great anonymous quote that read like this, “the tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.” How true!
How sad to look back over your life and have nothing but regrets. We have all heard the stories of a near death experience that caused a person to change their life. How tragic that it takes a major illness for someone to wake up and start caring for their health or the loss of a family member to cause one to value and appreciate relationships.
It really is the difference between living your life “reactively” or “proactively”. Far too many of us live in the “reactive” mode. If it is not something “out there” that we are looking for to complete our life then we are waiting for something to inspire us or move us out of our complacency and rut. Unfortunately, what eventually moves us is a personal earthquake of our own lack of doing!
There is a better way! From legacy and life purpose, to wellness and mindset, there is no time like the present to become intentional about your life. I believe the Psalmist has it right. “Teach us to number our days alright, that me may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Ps 90:12)
When we become intentional with our life, we not only get a measure of control back but we grow, change and become people of legacy and destiny. As a life coach I have the opportunity to help my clients not only take a step back and examine their life but really help them to become stewards of the gifts, dreams and good health that they have been called to walk in. We empower them to become proactive, intentional people of purpose and destiny.
Here are some great questions to consider to move you into action.
1. What will you regret not having done with your life?
2. What is really important to you that you keep postponing doing something about? (Health, Finances Relationships, Spirituality etc. and how do you currently rank? On a scale of 1-10; one being total dissatisfaction and 10 being total satisfaction. What would be some steps to move from a one to ten in each area?
3. What does it mean to live “full out”?
4. What does it mean to be authentic?
5. What does it mean to be spontaneous?
6. How could you see your current situation differently?
7. What are you grateful for? What is right in your life?
It is never too late to begin to really live. Teach us to number our days so that we become good stewards of our lives now and become proactive with our life. Teach us to number our days so we embrace change and not run from it. Teach us to number our days so we will make a difference in this life. Teach us to number our days so we can explore, create and move on with our dreams. Teach us to number our days because time is ticking and people and the gift of life that we have been given is priceless!