Ignoring The Signs

By , Christian Life Coaching

Many times I have heard people say… “Why doesn’t God just tell me what He wants me to do?” It would be nice to have a billboard or a message flying overhead attached to an airplane. Wouldn’t it? Wouldn’t it be nice to have the whole map laid out for us, step one, two and three? Or would it? And I wonder, if the road map were given to us, would we follow it?

The truth is, I believe in many ways, we are constantly getting signs and even billboards in our life. We are just not paying attention. We often ignore or dismiss the obvious. Friends and family try to tell us things and we dismiss it or trivialize it. Co-workers and even acquaintances may try to tell us things and we don’t see it. Compliments, encouragement, words of advice, wisdom, and reason all pass us by. More importantly; we don’t even see the most obvious signs, places where we shine, stand out, or have had favor or success.

So, maybe you and I are getting messages or billboards all the time. The problem might just be that we are not paying attention.