God’s GPS
By Christian Life CoachingI really love my Google maps app. If I am not careful, I can get lost in a parking lot so having an app to guide me is very helpful. All I do is plug in an address and a friendly voice starts directing me. Now, I wish I could say I always follow it exactly, but sometimes I think I am smarter or know better and then what happens is I get a rerouting route to get me there anyway. I may have added more time to the trip, but I arrived at my destination, nonetheless.
I like to think that God also has a GPS for our life as well. What do I mean by this? In Romans 11:29 we read, “the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.” What does that mean? In legal terms if something is revocable it can be changed and if it is irrevocable, it can’t be changed. So, what that says to me is that God is not going to change His mind on how he designed me, how He gifted me or His purpose for my life. That’s good news because I can take a lot of detours or crazy turns and I have. He simply wants me to get back on the path so He can reroute me or re-navigate me for my purpose. Of course, the ball is always in my court. I can decide whether I will get back on the road or stay on the sidelines. That is always my choice. However, God’s heart is to always reroute me or re-navigate me.
Another verse that also sheds a little light on this whole subject is Ephesians 2:10 and that verse states that I am God’s handiwork, his workmanship or masterpiece created in Christ to do good works which God prepared for me in advance. I like that word advance because it implies to me that before I drew my very first breath or made my first mistake God had a plan for me. He knew in advance what He had in mind for me. He also knew every mistake I would make in my life as well. So, even if I feel like I have blown it, I can be assured that His gifts are irrevocable. So, do I believe there is a heavenly navigation system? You bet!
In my experience as a coach, I have worked with women from every station and walk in life. Women who have been beaten down by life and failed many times and even women who ended up incarcerated. Here is what I have observed repeatedly. The women who have gone on to write new chapters with their lives have done so because they realize that God is for them and not against them. On our journey together in coaching we have seen and experienced how God can take a person’s life and re-navigate and redeem it for His purpose.
There is nothing too hard for God and nothing that surprises God. By the way and just to let you know. You are not the one person on the planet who has blown it so bad that you are beyond God’s hand of grace and redemption. The good news of the gospel is that Christ didn’t come for the well or for those who have it all together. He came for the sick and the broken and the way I see it that includes pretty much includes all of us. He knows your mistakes, still loves you and still has an amazing purpose for your life. No matter what has happened to you, you don’t have to allow your past to dictate your future. His plans are to give you a future and hope.
Let me encourage you to get back on the road. It is never too late my friend to tune into God’s GPS and to ask Him to navigate and reroute your life towards your purpose and destiny.
For more help and resources check out my coaching and my 30-Day Confident Woman Challenge on this website.
Beautiful and encouraging! Thank the good Lord that we always have hope. There is always a way.